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My Personal Portfolio

I'm a Software Engineer with two years hands-on experience in Python and JavaScript development. Proficient in Django and Node.js, with a strong focus on backend engineering.

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This portfolio showcases my skills and the projects I have worked on. Built with Next.js, it highlights my expertise in modern web development and serves as a comprehensive overview of my professional journey

  • Next
  • Node


The BookStore application is a full-stack web platform built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js). It allows users to browse, purchase, and manage books online, with features tailored for both customers and administrators.

  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • React
  • Node


Developed a robust e-commerce platform using Django for backend services. Leveraged Bootstrap for a visually appealing and user-friendly frontend

  • Python
  • Django
  • Bootstrap

Blog Post

Blog Post Application Objective: Build a user-friendly blog platform where users can register, create and manage blog posts, update their profiles, and interact with other users.

  • Python
  • Django
  • HTML
  • CSS


Alieu's Repair Shop is a modern, full-stack web application designed to streamline repair service management. Built with Next.js for its robust server-side rendering and dynamic routing capabilities, and styled using Tailwind CSS for a sleek, responsive user interface, this project offers an efficient solution for managing repair requests, tracking service progress, and enhancing customer experience.

  • React
  • Next
  • Node
  • Tailwind CSS


I have worked with a range of web development technologies in the web development world. From Backend to Frontend

  • Front-End

    Experiece with
    React.js & Next.js

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node, Django and Databases

About Me

I'm Software Engineer with two years hands-on experience in Python and JavaScript development. Proficient in Django and Node.js, with a strong focus on backend engineering. Demonstrated ability to build robust applications and contribute to both group and personal projects. Eager to leverage skills in innovative projects and collaborate with like-minded professionals.

Personal Achievements


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Personal Projects


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Github Stars

Innovating one project at a time